Separation Anxiety Affects Millions of Dogs
Separation anxiety is a common anxiety disorder in dogs. It can be triggered by rehoming, changes in the household composition (such as key people in the dog’s life moving out), moving, or traumatic experiences (for example, the dog is home alone during a break-in to the house). A 2020 study by Luciana de Assis and […]
Helping to Prevent Separation Anxiety in Our Dogs During Covid-19
It’s safe to say the current Covid-19 pandemic is a sudden and drastic change in all our lives and in our dogs’ lives as well. For some dogs, this strange, new (hopefully temporary) way of life will be taken in stride the same way they adjust to most things. However, there will be many dogs […]
Please Don’t Leave Me! Tackling Separation Anxiety
by Sandy Oelschlegel Today I walked into the bedroom and Taylor was in the center of the bed calmly looking at me. I gave him his goodbye dog cookie and turned around to leave. I knew he was aware that I was leaving the house because I had given him all the well-rehearsed departure cues. I […]
Separation Anxiety and a Second Dog – Will it help?
One of my recent separation anxiety clients asked me a common question during our initial call, “Will getting a second dog help?” My heart swells with appreciation for guardians whose dogs display separation-related anxiety. There’s a technical difference between separation anxiety, when the dog is anxious when not in the presence of a specific person; […]