Strange New Things – Helping Your Dog Learn to Love Them
When introducing new things into a dog’s environment it’s important to consider how a dog will perceive the new object. Dogs, like people, learn through association (classical conditioning) and develop a positive, negative or neutral emotional response to new people, places or things. Any new first interaction and experience needs to be a positive one. […]
Beware of Superdog Syndrome
There’s a menacing problem in the pet dog world and I’m going to attempt to do my best to keep this from happening again in our own home. Yes, it occurred once 3 years ago….January 31, 2009. The truth is, a great many dogs are affected by this syndrome, including many of our clients’ dogs. […]
Hiking With Your Dog…..are you ready?
Ahhhh, early autumn and changing leaves! As the days get cooler, my thoughts turn to hiking with my dog. I’m fortunate to live in an area where I can easily walk outside of the fenced acreage around my home and hit a few trails. I love being out of doors and so does my dog! […]