Strange New Things Part 3 – Helping Mercy Love the Weave Poles

I’ve recently written about using classical conditioning to help your dog be comfortable around strange new things. The previous two articles were about helping my dog, Mercy, learn to interact with a big long blue tunnel. I’ve wanted to do Agility for Fun, so we’re training for that enjoyable activity. I’ve been successful in getting […]

Strange New Things – Helping Your Dog Learn to Love Them

When introducing new things into a dog’s environment it’s important to consider how a dog will perceive the new object.  Dogs, like people, learn through association (classical conditioning) and develop a positive, negative or neutral emotional response to new people, places or things. Any new first interaction and experience needs to be a positive one. […]

Life after Death, Grieving the Death of a Dog

Australian Shepherd puppy on hotel bed

It’s my first, multi-day road trip with my new sidekick, Willow. We’re in Asheville, North Carolina readying ourselves for a Steve & Jen White training workshop at A Good Dog’s Life.  It’s a very yin yang kind of trip.  Blissfully wonderful having Willow here with me and painfully sad because the last time I was […]