
Finally, help with your tough cases!

Not sure what to do with fear, reactivity, aggression, or separation anxiety cases? Do you need an objective sounding board to guide you?

Book a Behavior Case Support session and we’ll collaborate to bring clarity to your case.

Working in the dog behavior and training industry keeps us on our toes! In every case, the dog and human are unique and different.

No matter your education or experience, no doubt you’ll eventually have a case that challenges you. Let us help!

Why consult with Cold Nose College

Thanks to decades of experience with serious dog behavior issues, we can be your lifeline – helping you navigate through your challenging cases to successful conclusions.
Bounce ideas off an experienced & trusted colleague
Get a fresh perspective on your cases
Affirm your training plans or brainstorm adjustments

Book a Behavior Case Support Session

and we’ll help you proceed with confidence

Behavior case support begins with a 60-minute Initial Online Consult for $150

In the initial consultation session, we’ll:

  • Listen to the details of your case
  • Discuss any concerns you may have that involve your client and their dog
  • Problem-solve the specific nuances of your case
  • Help you prioritize your goals so you feel confident in moving forward.

After the initial consult, depending on your goals and needs, we’ll suggest a customized coaching and support package to help you reach your goals.

Three Session Behavior Support Package $360
Includes three hours of online customized behavior support

Six Session Behavior Support Package $690
Includes six hours of online customized behavior support

Nine Session Behavior Support Package $945
Includes nine hours of online customized behavior support

Want a quick win?

Download The 12 Rules of Rocket Recall, our free tips for success in teaching your dog to Come.