Our thoughts are with Bob and Judy Grove and their beloved Collie, Misty, who will forever live in their hearts. What a joy it was to watch them work with and train Misty. She was quite the effervescent, awesome and happy girl. We’re privileged to have known her. Peace be with you both.
For any one of us who has ever loved a dog and had to help them cross over to the other side. It’s the one gift we know we can give to ease their pain.
Goodbye My Friend
When our brief time
Together nears its end
I have the faith
In my heart that the
Love that dwells in your soul
Will give you strength
And courage to let me go
You and I
We have been friends
Secrets I will keep
That you have confessed
Will remain with me
From this life
And into the next
In this life
My path seemed clear
My task ~ to teach
You of the greatest
Gift of all
So even if it seems
Beyond your reach
Show me one last time
I’ve done my job well
And return this
Unconditional love
As you hold me
Close and bid me
Author Unknown